Information Security
- User accounts are password protected
- Access Rights are assigned and the confidential data and functions are restricted to unauthorised use
- System lock-up after a long standby time, preventing malicious use
The Welcome Page - Broadcasting latest news
- The names of top 10 staffs are listed
- Different kind of company notice are broadcasted through the notice broad
Landlord and Stocks information, Sales tracking
- Neat and detailed stock records, agents can input notes of their conversations with clients, keep track of their intention to buy or sell
Client exchange between agents
- An agent can easily pass the client information owned by him to his colleagues
Easy reviewing history deals
- Transaction details of each deals can be recalled for review and analysed
Personal assistant - Scheduling tool for agents
- The system will notice users for scheduled activities
Messaging Tool
- Sending personal or public message by specifying the target recipients. The message will be displayed in the welcome page of the target recipients. This feature facilitate remote communication or provide an alternative to face to face communication. It is useful for sharing comments between colleagues about New stocks for sales, hot stocks, hot news in the properties market etc.
Monthly target and performance audit
- Sales performance reports available for evaluating sales achievement in term of the whole company or single branch office or individual staff. Monthly sales target can be entered to the system for keeping track of how far from reaching the goal.
Contact list
- Company's internal contacts are managed by offices using a tree structure for easy searching.
Transaction logging
- Keeping track of users operation. In particular, changes made to stock details are remembered by the system. This serves a security measure to protect data against careless or unintentional updates or deletion.

Installation method
- This system is only needed to be installed on the server. It is operated through an internet browser such as Internet Explorer 6.0.
- In order to enhance security. Further configuration can be applied on the server so as to limited assess to only internal computer network of a company.